The past couple of years have been quiet for the Foundation just as they have been for the rest of society as we wait for the pandemic to retreat. The good news is that we have taken advantage of the pause in normal activities to accomplish some back-of-house objectives.
After careful review, we realized that the Foundation’s by-laws needed to be updated. With the generous pro bono review provided by a colleague of our Foundation President, the by-laws were updated to eliminate some ambiguities and correct some inconsistencies. The revised by-laws were adopted by the Board earlier this year.
With Dr. Henry moving to an ex officio, non-voting status on the Board, we were in the market for additional leadership on the Board. In February, Ray Palmer joined us. Ray is experienced with non-profit management with expertise in the area of Financial Investments. While the search for experienced, talented, dedicated Board candidates never stops, we are in a good place at this point. The clock (or more accurately, the calendar) for the Directors’ terms is now reset.
Any new opportunities for the Ambassadors of Harmony Foundation to help the chorus be successful are always welcomed. We have a couple of irons in the fire in that regard, and we look forward to telling you all about them when they are fully fleshed-out.
Alan Freed
President, Ambassadors of Harmony Foundation